Let us make your space sparkle
The most dynamic and innovative cleaning company in London

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Know Us
MAGFacilities Ltd – a trendsetter since 2022. The most dynamic and innovative cleaning company in London offering exceptional quality of services, reliability and exemplary customer care. Our operation and portfolio of clients have continuously expanded incorporating organisations in both the private and public sectors.

Our 3 core values
Quality Management
This will have the fundamental objective of ensuring the best facilities maintenance service to our clients, providing continuous training to all our employees by which the service is efficient and effective . The three key components of this system are quality control, quality assurance and quality improvements.

Customer services
Our relationship with clients is based on trust and transparency, that’s why we work closely with our clients to understand their needs, monitor their satisfaction and collect feedback that can continue to improve our service. As a close-knit family-owned company, we are highly concerned with the wellbeing of our staff at all levels, so we ensure that the working environment is on par to keep our staff motivated. This motivation and positive morale mean that our friendly and professional team can always give clients an exceptional service.

As a Facilities Maintenance company we are well aware of the harm that some of the chemicals in cleaning product have on the environment. Our policy is to proactively minimise the effects by choosing the right products. All employees are also provided with training on how they can apply sustainable practices throughout the delivery of our cleaning services.